New Appointment system:
We want to improve access to doctors’ appointments on a daily basis
By having telephone appointments on the day for everyone with the doctor first then if clinically needed a face to face appointment with the team same day or as agreed with you.
You will need to call or book online on the day, give a reason and the doctor will call you back.
You will no longer have to wait up to 4 weeks for an appointment as we will no longer give out appointments in advance.
You just need to call on the day you want to speak to the doctor. We are changing the telephone system to free up the lines.
Nurse and specialist clinic appointments will continue to be booked as they are now.
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The Practice Offers:
- Child Health
- Womens Health
- Specialist Clinics
Nurses Clinic
- Travel/Routine Vaccinations
- Cervical Smears
- Lifestyle Advice
- Dietary Advice
- Ear Syringing
- Blood Pressure Check
- Dressings/Suture Removal
- Asthma
- Childhood Immunisations
- Women’s Health
- Contraception
Named Allocated GP
All patients allocated a GP on registration.